When a man seeks to conceal his sins, the holy spirit withdraws

When a man seeks to conceal his sins, the holy spirit withdraws

Above is letter from Kirton McConkie to Plaintiff dated March 7, 2019 and is a ‘smoking gun’ that proves KMC Law illegally represents Lisa Stephens as Trustee.

“When a man seeks to conceal his sins, the holy spirit withdraws from that person and you can say ‘Amen’ to the Priesthood of that man”..

The Leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints have been caught with their “Garments Down” in the United States District Court for the District of Utah as they are unable to respond to this simple “Yes” or “No” question without implying guilt of Sec- ond Degree Felony Aggravated Con- spiracy to Commit Abuse and Exploita- tion of the clients that paid them to protect their $200 Million Estates. The “Lord’s Lawyers” are committing a sec- ond degree felony simply by represent- ing two of the three beneficiaries which violates the laws of Impartiality.

It is with a Poetic Justice from the God that these corrupt leaders are let speechless in their own form of “Judgement Bar Exam” question which they fail even if they plead the “Fith Amendment” since they sit in “Check- mate” on page one of the Complaint filed in Federal Court since the Law Firm of Kirton McConkie is illegally rep- resenting the son-in-law and daughter of their Client Max D Eliason (“ME”) who is still alive.

Max and Joyce Eliason entrusted their estates to the Corporation of the Presi- dent of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints on June 20th, 2013 which is exactly seven years ago this month and the Defendants have cho- sen to Coerce Judicial Leaders to “Stall” and to enforce strict “Censor- ship” via their direct and indirect own- ership of various media companies throughout the U.S. and obviously the Deseret News and KSL.

The Board of Directors literally admit- ted guilt to the Editor on February 11th, 2019 that they (KMC Law) had an “Undisclosed Conflict of Interest” be- tween their Sr Partner and Estate Plan- ning Attorney Craig McCullough and the son-in-law and daughter of Max and Joyce Eliason which is an admis- sion of guilt to a Second Degree Felony Crime.

Every member of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Day Saints is fully aware that they are concealing over 50 Felonies which fall under the definition of The RICO Act fil- ing of 1970 under the distinction of Racketeering and Organized Crime which is typically synonymous with the afore mentioned famous Mafia Family names found in American history.

When confronted with the question of “What about ME”; President Lee Wright of Kirton McConkie Law Offices told the youngest Beneficiary and the Editor herein that the charges of Bribery and Embezzlement were serious against his partner and that the Law Office and the “COP” were going to stand by Craig Mc- Cullough rather than the client who they bamboozled into thinking the LDS Church was good for its world to pro- tect the Estates and represent the Ben- eficiaries with Impartiality.

It should be noted that they never de- nied the charges; they just chose to dis- miss their responsibility since the Mafi- acracy running the LDS Church appar- ently decided it was entitled to take all of the “booty” and run without fear of retribution and are still fearless since they also control The FBI and Judges of “Jesus Christ Himself” along with countless others.

There is no position, title, or power on earth that entitles a “Prophet, Presi- dent, or King” to openly assault an in- nocent family who paid the assailants to protect and preserve the same as- sets they turned and embezzled over the past seven years since the relation- ship was illegally consummated yet there is not one of the religious or po- litical leaders who have shown one ounce of compassion.

There has not been one of the High Managerial Agents of the Church nor one from the LDS Law Office who have dared face their accuser in Court and has instead utilized an assumed policy of “Bribes with Tithes” and the pur- chasing of every Media Company they can get their filthy fingers on which has forced the Victim to start his own Newspaper since even the “Salt Lake Weekly” refused to expose this matter and its logo states “If We Won’t Print It; Nobody Will”.

Shame on this New Definition of EVIL which has utilized God as a marketing tool in order to attract new “Clients” and who in turn converts to “Victims” and have been “Feasting Like Swine” at the trough of said clients turned Vic- tims and then proceeds to leave the entire family in carnage knowing the media is under complete censorship.