The “Bank of Jesus Christ Himself”

The “Bank of Jesus Christ Himself”

Max D Eliason proudly stands in front of an Eliason Eight, LLC Oil Derrick for his 80th birthday in June 2014. The Corporate Officers of the “COP” and the Leaders of the LDS Church are “Aiding and Abetting” in the concealment of over 50 felony crimes including the complete embezzlement of the $200 Million Estates that KMC Law was paid to protect and represent each beneficiary impartially. The Eliason family has been let in carnage ater it was discovered that the “Lord’s Lawyers” (“Hell’s Angels”) accepted millions in bribes in exchange for delivering both of the elderly couple’s estates on “Golden Plates” and nobody within the US Justice System is stopping the “Den of Thieves” from its ongoing “Estate Planning Murders” or to uphold the Constitutional Rights of the Victims herein.

Although there are many complicated aspects of Estate planning and the as- sociated Trusts that are set up for cou- ples such as Max and Joyce Eliason; the concept behind this story is no dif- ferent than imagining that the Eliason Couple entered “The Bank of Jesus Christ Himself” rather than the Law Office of “Jesus Christ Himself” and proceeded to deposit $200 Million into the “Bank” of The Corporation of the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

The “instructions” to the bank was to protect the “savings” account and to disburse the proceeds equally ONCE BOTH MAX AND JOYCE HAD DIED BUT ARE TO REMAIN UNTOUCHED UNTIL
THAT DAY ARRIVES. Max D Eliason is still alive albeit under an illegal “house arrest” under the direction of Dallin H Oaks who also robbed Max D Eliason of his right to be heard in court ater shamelessly having him deemed “in- competent” in front of Judge Faust of the Third District Court on May 29th, 2019.

They were also instructed to NEVER al-low their son-in-law Bryan Stephens to participate in any way with the Estate Planning process and was even prohib- ited from attending any meetings asso- ciated therewith. This was done due to the perceived ambitions and greed that Max and Joyce Eliason had discov- ered and that he had a sense of “enti- tlement” to their sacred estates.

What Kirton McConkie and the associ- ated con artists did was to betray the trust of this 84 year old couple into making them just believe that the “bank account” was tied to their “sig- nature cards” when in reality; the “bankers of Jesus Christ Himself” in- tentionally deceived them knowing they were easy targets to rape, pillage, plunder and abuse and exploit until every drop of oil and assets had been drained.

When Joyce S Eliason contracted lung cancer in June of 2013; she and her husband went into the “LDS BANK” and opened a “Joint A/B Trust Account” which by law is really no dif- ferent than a Joint Savings account that has been opened by a couple with a basic clause of survivorship which in this case means that all of the assets of Joyce Eliason were to remain in the “Joint A/B” (Marital Trust) until her husband passes away at a future date in time.

The youngest son and beneficiary of Max and Joyce Eliason was told on February 11th, 2019 by Sr Partner and Board Member of KMC Tom Mecham that the “Lord’s Lawyers” had an undisclosed conflict of interest and that the Law Office of the LDS Church really represented Lisa Stephens now as “Sole-Trustee” and “Personal Repre- sentative” and that neither himself nor the still living Max D Eliason had any representation whatsoever within the “Lord’s Bank” and that both Max Elia- son and his youngest heir would be re- quired to “find another bank” and sue KMC if they ever wanted to see their
$200 Million again.

Imagine the look on the face of Max D Eliason when he was told that his own lawyers had just disavowed that they ever represented him and that his son- in-law and daughter had absconded with both his and his late wife’s estates which implies that the religion that all generations that preceded Max and Joyce on this earth had all been be- trayed by the leaders of the LDS Church which they were faithful towards their entire lives.


Dallin H Oaks is the President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, the Next Prophet Apparent of the LDS Church, and also one of the most renowned experts in Estate and Trust Laws in the Country. He is also a two-time Presidential Nominee to the United States Supreme Court and for- mer professor and President of BYU University. He is also an author and served as a Utah Supreme Court Jus- tice in the early 1980’s. It is safe to say he understands “Fiduciary Duty”.

His own book called “The Laws of Trusts” could be used against him in the court of law to condemn him for committing intentional Second Degree Felony Breach of Fiduciary Duty and the corresponding Conspiracy to Com- mit Aggravated Abuse and Exploitation of the Vulnerable Adults and Children both he and Kirton McConkie were paid to protect and to represent with impartiality. Despite all of his amazing achievements; he is unable to answer “Do You Serve ME”?

The RICO Act of 1970 provides harsh punishment for each corrupt action that has been committed by defen- dants relating to Racketeering and Or- ganized Crime such is demonstrated in its purest form herein. Any participant that either conceals or takes part in this “Mormon Mafiacracy” is subject to 20 years in prison for each violation. That equates to 40 years just from the first page of the complaint and an iron- ic 1,000 years for the associated 50 al- leged felonies.

The letter on page two was written on March 7th, 2019 as a follow up to the in-person meeting wherein Tom Mecham of the Board of Directors stat- ed clearly that the Law Office of his parents had an undisclosed conflict of interest with Bryan and Lisa Stephens and it is confirmed in the first para- graph of the letter dated March 7, 2019.

If the only evidence the victims had is this letter stating that Kirton McConkie represents Lisa Stephens as the “Sole Trustee and Personal Representative” of Joyce S Eliason’s Estate and associ- ated Trust; the statement is sufficient evidence to prove the Law Office of the LDS Church is intentionally dismissing the fact that both of these positions are lawfully entitled to Max D Eliason as the Settlor and Co-Trustee of both his and his wife’s estates and trusts.