The Corporation of The President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Day Saints (The “COP”) and its Law Firm of Kirton McConkie PC (KMC Law) have been accused of concealing one of the most horrific and extensive net- works of corruption ever witnessed throughout history as described by a 300 page complaint filed in the United States District Court for the District of Utah on February 25th, 2020.

The allegations within the lawsuit specifically describes over 50 Felony Crimes which have been committed in association with the complete embez-zlement of the estates of Max and Joyce Eliason valued at over $200 Mil- lion and neither the Corporation of The President or Kirton McConkie Law Of- fices are willing to provide one docu- ment showing where the missing as- sets have been transferred to over the past seven years.

In fact, the evidence is so overwhelm- ing against the Defendants that the complaint utilizes a legal tool for this type of situation called “Res Ipsa Lo- quitur” (let the evidence speak for it- self) and in turn puts the burden of proof on the Defendants to explain how the damages could have occurred unless they indeed did commit the 50+ and counting Felonies described there- in.

The lengthy complaint filed by Brett L Eliason as a Pro Se Attorney points out that the matter of “innocence or guilt” is resolved on page one of the com-plaint

with the other 300 pages being supporting evidence for the prosecutors to use during the criminal prosecu- tion of the matter along with over 3,500 pages of exhibits which cannot be refuted which is further proven by the fact that KMC Law has had two years to respond to these allegations and know they do not have one answer to exonerate them from being consid- ered “Felons At Large”.

Despite the “COP” and its Agent KMC Law’s attempts to make this matter look so complicated that it would take a seasoned Juris Doctorate Degree with a double major in Rocket Science to understand the thousands of pages which were prepared to make this scam of their 84 year old clients seem legitimate, it is actually so basic that a kindergarten class would be able to spend a couple of hours and be able to teach the former Utah Supreme Court Judge Dallin H Oaks a lesson in Fidu- ciary Duty for Dummies as shall be de- scribed herein.

It is a tragic display of humanity at its worse and just how true is the state- ment which says “absolute power will corrupt absolutely” unless proper checks and balances are implemented within any entity where unilateral con- trol of assets are audited and moni- tored for discrepancies.

Max and Joyce S. Eliason entered Kir- ton McConkie on June 20th, 2013 and entrusted the Prestigious Law Firm with the sacred responsibility of pro- tecting their assets on behalf on them- selves and beneficiaries Mark Eliason, Lisa Stephens, and Brett Eliason.