In The Beginning, There Was “ME”

In The Beginning, There Was “ME”

The Original Trustee Succession Order as found in the Joyce S Eliason Trust dated October 28th, 2015 which clearly shows Max and Joyce Eliason as Co-Trustees and Co-Settlors of their A/B Trust meaning that upon the death of Joyce, Max D Eliason is the automatic “Sole Trustee”.

Just days before Joyce S Eliason passed away, her daughter and son-in-law administered an illegal prescription of morphine and forced Joyce S Eliason to sign the modification below which was used in Probate Court as a Trust Certification from KMC Law confirming this exactly what was signed in the Original Documents

For you see, this is an “A/B Trust” which made Max D Eliason and Joyce S Elia- son the Settlors and Trustees of each Estate and Trust in a “Joint Account” with instructions to divide the estates up 33/33/33 upon the death of the sur- viving spouse as one would expect from any Estate such as this.

Kirton McConkie and the entire leader- ship of the LDS Church and now count- less members of the US Department of Justice are all fully aware that the at- torney of KMC Law, Craig McCullough and Lisa Stephens illegally modified two amendments and a Trust Certifica- tion submitted to the Court which re- moved Max D Eliason as if he had never existed. This can only be accomplished by an intentional Second-Degree Felony and Aggravated Conspiracy to F a l s i f y G o v e r n m e n t Documents” (which is another 20 years in the ‘Prison of Jesus Christ Himself’).

The best way to describe the “Settlor” of a Trust is with the words “author” or “creator” of the entity which typically holds the assets of the individual along with the associated provisions for the intended beneficiaries. “In the begin- ning there was God… In the end there was Fraud…”

Max D Eliason as if he had never existed. This can only be accomplished by an intentional Second-Degree Felony and Aggravated Conspiracy to F a l s i f y G o v e r n m e n t Documents” (which is another 20 years in the ‘Prison of Jesus Christ Himself’).

The best way to describe the “Settlor” of a Trust is with the words “author” or “creator” of the entity which typically holds the assets of the individual along with the associated provisions for the intended beneficiaries. “In the begin- ning there was God… In the end there was Fraud…”

When an A/B Trust is created such as in the case of Max and Joyce Eliason; each spouse is considered to be a Co- Trustee and a Settlor and while they are still alive and well; the Trust is con- sidered to be Revocable at any time but in no way should the assets be dis- tributed before both spouses die.

When an A/B Trust is created such as in the case of Max and Joyce Eliason; each spouse is considered to be a Co- Trustee and a Settlor and while they are still alive and well; the Trust is con- sidered to be Revocable at any time but in no way should the assets be dis- tributed before both spouses die.

When Joyce S Eliason passed away on May 21st 2018, Max D Eliason remained as both Settlor and Co-Trustee of the Joyce S Eliason Trust dated October 28th, 2015 as would be expected. How is it possible that a Law Office such as Kirton McConkie which is under super- vision of Dallin H Oaks and his exper- tise in the Laws of Trusts to “mistaken- ly” make such a critical error?

The answer is that it is impossible with- out intentionally modifying legal docu- ments and lying to probate court both of which are second degree felony charges and further crimes defined un- der The RICO Act of 1970. There needed to be someone who was willing to risk prison time by going back into the “Original Trustee Succession Order” of the Author’s signature pages and modi- fy the verbiage to read “In The Begin- ning, there was “Fraud” and that is ex- actly what they did as exposed in Arti- cle 6; Section 6.1.

Kirton McConkie Law Offices refuses to provide both their client Max D Eliason and his youngest son as supposed Co- Trustee and Agent of Max any copies of his own “Last Will and Testament” or his own Trust documents along with the amount of compensation that he and his wife had paid to protect their sacred lives’ work.

Ken Olsen of the Board of Directors re- fused to see Max D Eliason in their head office and stated that the law firm con- sidered both him and his son “adver- sarial”. While that in and of itself is con- sidered felony concealment of docu- ments, the evidence of guilt can be lo- cated easily within the documents of the Joyce S Eliason Trust and in every other document which has been re- leased thus far. The counts of fraud within the documents alone and the assumption that those they refuse to offer their own client are also fraud.

In fact, this corruption is so deeply rooted within the Church and State of Utah; the Plaintiff/Victim who is repre- senting himself and the other victims has yet to receive one valid document which shows the Law Office or Bryan and Lisa Stephens have any legal au- thority whatsoever to have taken the booty and run like swine who have been caught feasting at the trough of those they were paid to protect. This criminal corruption will continue un- less outrage from the public is heard.

Estate Planning falls under Contract Law within the United States and for very good reasons is considered to be reversible for numerous reasons in- cluding any one of the felonies de- scribed herein. The “Smoking Gun” that Kirton McConkie faces is the “Pure Truth” that it was impossible for the LDS Law Office to name Lisa Stephens the new “Queen” of the combined es- tates since their real client can only be “King ME” who breathes.